Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Flash Back...Grade 1...

...and all the while I thought that was so unique and special! Here's the Korean Version.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This blog

It's about time to give this blog a new face lift. Even with zero readership, I bothered to make it look pretty and exciting (uh well, this is the best I could do) for myself. It's mine anyway and I'm loving it! I said goodbye to my domain name chinchansu, changing it with this blog's original title T-bone steak. Both I created when I started this blog in 2005. Chinchansu really never meant anything to me other than that Chinese face cream. I was just loving the sound and pun it intended. Guess, it doesn't seem funny now. Being in the situation and the setting I am in, if you know what I mean...

Well, I've been reading through my old posts and sure a lot has changed. The themes and topics are not as cohesive as it should be. I started this back in the day when I was killing time in the office-- merely a venue for my favorite emails from the office mailbox. Then came writing random thoughts not truly expecting somebody to read them. Just an outlet to bring them about. Then it got more personal. Writing about my personal life, letters to my boyfriend and my time now in Korea. I became more open with my feelings and yes, identity! I even put some pictures here and linking it to my other sites.

I love this little blog even if I'm the only one reading this. It's like having my own private notebook in this extraordinarily humongous cyberspace! And I don't need to look hard for it when I feel like writing and reminiscing. So whoever stumbles upon here, you got lucky! You took a peek in somebody's diary! ^^