Sunday, March 30, 2008

Where I should be

So far I'm catching up pretty well with what's ahead of me. I started my graduate classes first week of March in Sahmyook University in Seoul. I'm doing my masters on Public Health. A very broad and highly interesting subject. I'm taking 3 courses this term. They are Introduction to Public Health, Advanced Massage Class, and Stress Management. They aren't too much since the classes are only on Sundays. Well, except for the tons of homework and waking up early on a Sunday is a drag.

Sometimes the changes can still blow me away that it's just too overwhelming. Before when life was routinary and redundant, I would complain about stagnation. It frightens me sometimes to look back and think that it will happen again. I remember many times sitting alone in Starbucks 2-3 years ago, smoking my lungs out and thinking what life will still offer me. Is this all there is to it? A mundane job that I couldn't afford to quit, me a little speck in this big city. Nothing amused me anymore. I wanted to do something else but I didn't know what. And there was no opportunity to do anything. Or I didn't try harder cause I was too busy trying to be successful with a job that I hated. But it was my comfort zone. I lived for it that it's too close for comfort any longer. I was bored to death. I literally wished a bomb would fall down from the heavens to stir my emotions.

I guess God answered my prayer. Not literally though. I managed to quit my job of 3 years. It wasn't the wisest thing to do at that time but I was happy. Relieved, much like it. After a few months my friend Dee called from Korea to offer a job to teach ESL to kids funded by a non-profit group from Korea. It wasn't the high power job I was dreaming but oh well, money is running out. I met up with my bosses in Alabang. It was too much of a hassle in the beginning traveling back and forth from Pasig where I lived. And the money wasn't that good. But I persevered anyway. I was still in that stage where I was looking for my so-called direction. And I was thinking, maybe this was the change that I was waiting for. A month passed and another. I was in love. I adored my new job, my new role. And the kids loved me, (I suppose ;)). The children's smiles and affection healed me and brought back my self- esteem. It was indeed the 'bomb' I was hoping for. I mentioned in my previous blog about this experience as my paradigm shift.

A year later I met him. It wasn't love at first sight and certainly unexpected. It was something that blossomed at the right place and time. It's hard to believe sometimes that two people from different worlds and backgrounds could just click. We could just talk for hours and hours, never mind the language barrier. Sometimes I would feel that I don't deserve this newfound feeling of being loved. But you have to accept love to be able to give love. We sure have our own differences that we are still working on. But whatever happens, I will always be thankful and proud of this relationship. I just wish things will all fall into place someday soon. Until then, I can't ask for more.

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